Vicodin Rehab

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Recognizing Signs of Vicodin Addiction

Vicodan is a semi synthetic narcotic that combines Hydrocodone, an opioid, and Tylenol, an analgesic, for enhanced relief of mild to severe pain. It is often prescribed after surgeries and is considered highly addictive for its abusive euphoric properties. Recognizing the signs of Vicodin addiction can be difficult in legitimate users who are prescribed this medication for long periods of time. As with other opioids, Vicodin users may develop a dependency on the drug and suffer withdrawal symptoms when use is discontinued. However, dependency should not be confused with addiction. While legitimate users may develop increased tolerance levels, requiring more of the drug to produce the desired effects, dependency is usually a physical state where the body becomes adaptive to the drug and lack of it may cause withdrawal. In these cases the medication may be necessary to live a normal life or to improve functionality. Abusers will often take more than prescribed, more often, and for non- medical purposes often resulting in addiction. Signs of Vicodin Addiction can be recognized when the abuser becomes obsessed with obtaining the drug to satisfy both physical and psychological needs despite all adverse consequences. The Vicodin addict is compelled to use Vicodin to satisfy their desire for the drug beyond medical purposes and any reasonable circumstances, no matter what the cost may be.

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Common Signs of Vicodin Addiction

There are many signs of Vicodin addiction and recognizing changes in behaviors and health are important for intervention and determination of the need for addiction treatment. Most common signs of Vicodin addiction may include, using prescriptions too fast, taking Vicodin in ways other than prescribed, forging prescriptions, “doctor shopping” or lying to the doctor to obtain as much of the drug as possible, overprotecting supplies, stealing, lying, unexplainable lack of money. There may be unexplained mood swings, negative behaviors including guilt and denial regarding use of Vicodin, changes in social involvements to align with obsessing or obtaining the drug, avoiding family and friends, seclusion, and loss of ambition towards activities that do not revolve around use of Vicodin. These behaviors may be continued despite negative effects on health, finances, or relationships and are causes for alarm. The earlier the signs of Vicodin addiction are recognized, the earlier the recovery process can begin.

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